Coordinated Action on Skill Development (CASD)
Skill development is a dynamic process requiring continuous upgradation of skills for existing as well as new entrants in the workforce to remain relevant and employable. Government of India and State Governments have been implementing number of policies / programmes for skill development. To give impetus to the efforts and harmonization of skill initiatives of different players Government of India initiated a Coordinated Action on Skill Development in 2008. The action aims at creation of pool of skilled manpower with adequate skills to take advantage of the demographic dividend which India enjoys vis-à-vis other ageing economies. The Coordinated Action has three tier institutional structure viz. Prime Minister’s National Council on Skill Development as an apex body assisted by National Skill Development Coordination Board in Planning Commission and National Skill Development Corporation under the Ministry of Finance. While PM’s National Council is mandated to lay down policies, core governing and operating principles for skill development, the Board is entrusted with the task of coordinating skill efforts of Central Ministries / Departments to bring synergy and avoid duplication of efforts and the Corporation is facilitating private sector participation in the task of skill development. This coordinated action is expected to ensure access to skill development opportunities to all irrespective of any divide and achieve the target of creating 500 million skilled manpower by 2022.