Consumer Price Index(Urban) and Consumer Price Index(Rural)
The CPI(IW) and CPI(Al & RL) pertain to specific segment of population. Since these indices do not cover all segments of population, it is difficult to ascertain the true variations in the price level . To overcome this problem, a new index with a wider coverage is now being computed, CPI(Urban) and CPI(Rural) by Central Statistics Office under Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.
This series of CPI has two components, one a representative of the entire urban population, viz. CPI (Urban), and another for the entire rural population, viz. CPI (Rural) These indices reflect the changes in the price levels of various goods and services consumed by the urban and rural population respectively. The indices are compiled at State/UT and all-India levels and are based on 2010 as base year. CPI (urban) covers 310 towns while the span of CPI(rural) is 1181 villages. Index Numbers for both rural and urban areas and also combined have been started from January 2011 index onwards. Provisional indices based on the data available are first released with the time lag of 30 days. Revised and final numbers with complete data for all India and also for all the States/UTs will be released with a time lag of two months.