Agricultural Census
Agricultural Census, which is conducted every five years in India. It is the largest countrywide statistical operation undertaken by Ministry of Agriculture, for collection of data on structure of operational holdings by different size classes and social groups. Primary ( fresh data) and secondary (already published) data on structure of Indian agriculture are collected under this operation with the help of State Governments. The first Agricultural Census in the country was conducted with reference year 1970-71.
Agricultural Census is carried out as a Central Sector Scheme under which 100% financial assistance is provided to States/Union Territoriess. Agricultural Census operation is carried out in three phases.
During Phase-I, a list of all holdings with data on area, gender and social group of the holder is prepared with the help of listing schedule. During Phase-II detailed data on tenancy, land use, irrigation status, area under different crops (irrigated and un-irrigated) are collected in holding schedule. Phase-III, which is called as Input Survey, relates to collection of data of input use across various crops, States and size groups of holdings, in addition to data on agriculture credit, implements and machinery, livestock and seeds.
Eighth Agricultural Census with reference year 2005-06 and seventh Input Survey 2006-07 have been undertaken in the country. The results of Agricultural Census 1995-96 & 2000-01, Input Survey 1996-97 & 2001-02 and various reports of Census are available at Data base for Agricultural Censuses from 1995-96 to 2005-06 may be accessed at