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1. What is Arthapedia or what is being sought to be achieved through Arthapedia?

The Arthapedia is visualized as a source of reference on certain key economic words/concepts used in the policy domain in India. Most of the words being included here are unique to Indian context. For eg: BPL households, Flag-ship programmes, development expenditure.

As such these words are not defined in Economic literature or Public Policy documents. Hence the words run the risk of being understood and used differently by different people. In short, Arthapedia is proposed to be a tool to demystify the meaning of keywords used in Indian policy making by explaining these words transparently and unambiguously.

2. Why do we say some words/concepts/meanings/definitions are unique to Indian context?

Some terms which are commonly used (panchayat, lakh, crore, Planning Commission etc.) may be very clear to Indian policy makers but because they are either indigenous concepts or institutions, they may not be understood by the international community or by non-government economists / general public. Some terms (eg PPP, inclusive growth etc.) may be used all over the world but what is understood in the Indian context may be different from what is understood from text books/websites ofinternational bodies like IMF etc.

3. Who are the potential users of Arthapedia?

The users of Arthapedia are spread across the world and engaged in varied professions. They could be policymakers, journalists, economists, researchers, critics, officials, diplomats or an interested citizen of any nation.

4. Who are the contributors to Arthapedia?

The Arthapedia is being designed as an ‘open source’ reference on the lines of Wikipedia, where, whoever is willing to upgrade the text and context of a particular word can open the text on a virtual mode and edit the same with authentic references. The edited content is posted / uploaded after being moderated by the Editorial Board selected by the Chief Economic Advisor of India. In addition to the main author, names of various contributors and editors can be seen at “View History” of each page. The professional standing of contributors can be seen at

5. How a non-IES person can participate in this site?

In the initial phase, only the serving IES officers are allowed to write the content of this website. However, non-IES persons can post comments / query now.

6. How can I post comments or ask a query?

To post a query or comment first you will have to register with us which will take only two minutes. The query / comment will be replied by the Editorial Board within 7 working days.

7. How are the contributors rewarded?

Arthapedia is written collaboratively by IES officer volunteers as a public service.

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